If you would like to help contribute to this project please contact James Desjardins at the contact info below and developer access can possibly be made available. Contributors will be expected to follow the [Developer Workflow](developer-workflow) and [Style Guides](style-guide). We are always looking for ways to expand and improve our projects!
# Bug and Issue Tracking
This repository uses the built in *Issue Tracker* located here on gitlab to keep track of any issues or bugs that users come across. We will be trying our best to keep an eye on these and work towards providing solutions.
@@ -17,9 +16,6 @@ Under this page click the green *New Issue* Button on the right side of the scre
In the written section please provide a short but detailed description of the problem and attach any files that are necessary to replicate the issue.
# Contributing
If you would like to help contribute to this project please contact James Desjardins at the contact info below and developer access can possibly be made available. Contributors will be expected to follow the [Developer Workflow](developer-workflow) and [Style Guides](style-guide). We are always looking for ways to expand and improve our projects!
# Allowing Remote Access
Alternatively for remote jobs to allow jdesjard access to a Sharcnet folder containing the necessary files.