**Table of contents**
# Context Configuration
Using our pipeline requires the use of [Batch Context](https://git.sharcnet.ca/bucanl_eeglab_extensions/batch_context) which combines the use of user configuration and job configuration. You will see there are 4 options under File > Batch in your eeglab window that are pertinent to Batch Context. You can learn more about the [different interfaces of Batch Context here.](https://git.sharcnet.ca/bucanl_eeglab_extensions/batch_context/wikis/functions)
... | ... | @@ -14,7 +10,7 @@ Navigate to File > Context configuration |
For our purposes we will only discuss the changes from the provided configuration file required.


Click "Load context config" in the top left of your window. Navigate to analysis/support/config and select `contextconfig.cfg`. Pressing "Refresh" in the Context configuration will also load your system commands if you desire to use those.
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