... | ... | @@ -4,12 +4,16 @@ Using the pipeline requires [Batch Context](https://git.sharcnet.ca/bucanl_eegla |
The remainder of this page describes the minimum changes that need to be made to the default configuration files provided upon installation of the pipeline. For for documentation of Batch Context, see the respective [wiki](https://git.sharcnet.ca/bucanl_eeglab_extensions/batch_context/wikis).
Navigate to File > Context configuration
# Required changes
# Minimum Required Changes
For our purposes we will only discuss the changes from the provided configuration file required.
Begin by navigating to File > Batch > Context configuration.
Next click the "Load context config" button. Navigate the file chooser to `bids/code/lossless/config` and select the `contextconfig.cfg` file.
You should now be presented with the following screen:

Click "Load context config" in the top left of your window. Navigate to analysis/support/config and select `contextconfig.cfg`. Pressing "Refresh" in the Context configuration will also load your system commands if you desire to use those.
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