Brief demo of interpolating a data set to locations in a coordinate file [here.](http://youtu.be/Q8qYxNvz_OQ)
# Abstract
# Interpmont
The Interpmont extension for EEGLAB provides tools for warping EEG.chanlocs coordinates to the surface of locations in an EEGLAB recognized coordinate file. It also provides tool for interpolating sites in a loaded dataset to sites in a coordinate file as well as rereferencing a loaded dataset to the average signal of interpolated sites in a coordinate file.
... | ... | @@ -13,23 +13,8 @@ Jack and Nora Walker Centre for Lifespan Development Research. |
* [Tutorial Packages](https://git.sharcnet.ca/bucanl_eeglab_extensions/interp_mont/wikis/tutorials)
* [Contributing and Contacting Us](https://git.sharcnet.ca/bucanl_eeglab_extensions/interp_mont/wikis/contribute-and-contact)
# Tutorials and Best Practice
There are three symbols that you should keep an eye out for in this documentation:
* :so: These stars highlight our recommended **Best Practices**.
* :b: The letter B indicates an **Example** based off of the BUCANL Pipeline Tutorials.
* :warning: This warning indicates when you have to **Change a Tutorial File** if you are using one of the EEG_pipe packages
* :floppy_disk: Please note that whenever you make a change to a GUI(Graphic User Interface) field box, you must click off of it so that the field box is **not** highlighted, for EEGLAB to record your change.
# Overview
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:so: Download the [Tutorial Pipeline](https://git.sharcnet.ca/jdesjard/batch_context/wikis/tutorials)
## Copywrite
Copyright (C) 2013 James Desjardins
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